welcome to my Channel friends today weare talking about the story of the filmnamed Miller’s girl this is the story ofa teacher who could not keep himselfaway from a young beautiful student so without wasting time let’s theexplanation begin the story began with agirl named CYO whose parents lived inanother country Cairo lives alone in adeserted house where writing became herhobby passing through the jungles Kyroreached a class where she met JonathanMiller Jonathan is a middle-aged man whocould not become a successful writer sohe became a teacher when Cairo came toJonathan’s class he asked her to readsome of the books given in the syllabusbut Cairo had already read all thosebooks then another girl named Winniecame there who is not only a student ofthis class but also a good friend ofCiro they both went out to eat somethingJonathan saw an adult book in cairo’sstuff Jonathan’s friend Boris also comeshere to bring his coffee he took thebook from Jonathan and started readingBoris and Jonathan both were stunned toto see a copy of a book written byJonathan Jonathan’s wife beatric is busyat night to get his attention Jonathantells her that a student was reading mybook in the class today then beatric gota call from friend Amy but after thecall beatric and Jonathan drink togetheras they got closer beatric got a callagain and Jonathan gets frustrated thenext day he tells all this to Boris andBoris started making fun of him thenthey both see Cairo who is coming fromthe jungle unsatisfied with the lastnight Jonathan was looking at her verycarefully he asked Cairo don’t you feelscared to come from the jungle cairo’sanswer was that I am the scariest thingin those jungles Jonathan startedlaughing when he heard this in theschool Winnie drops her books Boris knewthat she did this on purpose so he asksWinnie tell me what do you want Winniewas deliberately teasing Boris Cairoalso saw this she tells her that you aretotally crazy then and they both went tocairo’s house Cairo was upset with aquestion of her College admission inwhich she has to tell them about thebiggest achievement of her life theyboth discussed a lot of things but noneof them were unique then Winnie saidthat you have an affair with yourteacher and then writes something aboutit Cairo says that Jonathan is 20 yearsolder than me but Winnie kept convincingher saying that all this is normal nowand Jonathan was also a good gentlemanperfect for cairo’s first time Winniestarted talking about Jonathan in frontof Cairo how he sees Cairo in the classCairo felt shy to hear all this herinterest in Jonathan increased from thenext day Cairo started staring at Jonathan.
Jonathan comes to her and tells her to meet me after class after class Jonathan invites Boris to a dinner Borisleft from there while doing a dance step after his departure Jonathan startedtrying that step and then Cairo comesthere they both laugh laughed and putthis thing aside Jonathan was so impressed with a paragraph written by Cairo that he remembers that whole verse to verse Cairo also saw that he paidattention to her paragraph and was happyJonathan wanted Cairo to write a short story in the style of her favoriteauthor if she does this Jonathan willgive her full marks in midterm Cairoagreed immediately she told Jonathanthat I have also read your book Cairoalso remembered many lines of his bookverse to verse like Jonathan Jonathanwas also impressed to see this heinvites Cairo to a place this weekend where he will discuss about herassignment at night Jonathan and hiswife went to dinner here Winnie comes totake his order beatric asked Jonathanthat is she the same girl whom you are talking about Jonathan said no she is Cairo but it was clear that Beatric was jealous of Jonathan’s interest in Cairoshe
started insulting Jonathan in frontof Boris to vent her anger that you don’t have that rer thing anymore youhaven’t written anything for many yearsyou are just an ordinary teacher on theweekend Cairo went to a place mentionedby Jonathan Jonathan followed her andsat next to her here a man startedreciting a poem Jonathan was listeningto the poem very carefully and Cairo waslooking at Jonathan after the poem Cairocame out and lit a cigarette Jonathanalso started sharing the cigarette withher the next day Cairo came in front ofJonathan wearing a hot dress when Borisasked about this Cairo said nothing whenBoris left from there Cairo startedtalking to Jonathan they were gettingcloser while going to the class Jonathangot a message from his wife about goingout somewhere in the class Cairo tellsJonathan about her favorite author inwhose style she will write the storyJonathan was in a hurry to go home so hesaid yes in a hurry after he left Winnieclimbed on Jonathan’s table and started teasing.
Cairo then Boris came to meetJonathan Winnie started teasing Borisshe puts his phone in her clothes buthere Cairo is not getting her phone onthe other hand Jonathan’s plan to gowith his wife got cancelled because shewas busy with her work then Jonathan gota call from Cairo actually Jonathanbrought cairo’s phone in his bag bymistake Jonathan and his wife’s plan wasalready cancelled so Jonathan left togive phone to Cairo when he reachedoutside cairo’s house it started rainingthere and Cairo came to Jonathan in athin dress both of them started lookingat each other and then both of themkissed each other after this Jonathancame back to his house here Cairo senthim a mail Jonathan’s wife tells himthat I am not able to do my work whileyou are here so Jonathan went to a smallcabin from there here Jonathan printedthe story sent by Cairo he startedreading it it was an adult story in thisstory a student and a teacher likeJonathan and CYO were talked aboutJonathan got excited he took off hispants but everything changes the nextday Jonathan doesn’t call Cairo as heused to before Cairo asked
him whathappened Jonathan said that he didn’tlike her story at all there are a lot ofmistakes in it when Cairo said that it’sall about us Jonathan clearly said thatthere is nothing between us we are justa teacher and a student and nothing elsehearing this cairo’s heart brokeJonathan told her to either write itagain or I will fail you in midtermCairo got even more Angry she said thatmy story is perfect you are just afraidthat I wrote what you couldn’t write tohumiliate Jonathan Cairo called him acommon writer she said that if you havethe guts fail me now Cairo went homecrying she started drinking with Winnieon the other hand Jonathan’s face wasclearly tensed Jonathan’s wife asked himwhat happened Jonathan told her aboutcairo’s written story hearing the storyshe got excited too but as soon as theycould do something Boris came thereJonathan was left frustrated again onthe other hand Cairo and Winnie weretalking Cairo told Winnie that Jonathanwas just pretending to be close to her.
Cairo told Winnie to message Boris todistract her Winnie started teasingBoris but her words didn’t affect Borisat all to attract boris’s attentionCairo made a decision they both took offtheir clothes they both came closethey sent their photos to Boris as soonas Boris saw this he left Jonathan’shouse that’s when Jonathan’s wife got acall from Jonathan’s school whole schoolhad already found out about Jonathan andCairo Affair his wife was shocked tohear this she asked Jonathan why allthis happening because of a studentwritten story she asked Jonathan didsomething else happen between you andthat girl Jonathan refused the next dayCairo didn’t come to class she was inthe Vice principal’s office the viceprincipal asked both Cairo and Jonathanwhat’s going on Cairo told himeverything.
Jonathan gave me a midtermassignment in advance we smokedcigarettes together we also met outsidethe school but when it was Jonathan’sturn he was hesitating to answer thequestions seeing this hesitation thevice principal understood everything andshe suspended Jonathan from his joboutside the office Boris explains toJonathan that you should have seen yourlimits and now because of crossing thelimit you are in such a state Boris leftfrom there after coming home whenJonathan told his wife that he was firedhis wife started doubting him she askedhim again did something happen betweenyou two but Jonathan refused again hiswife was not ready to accept all thisshe asked him do you have feelings forthat girl Jonathan said nothing theystarted fighting and they startedcounting each other’s shortcomings the ffight went so far that Jonathan’s wifedecided to divorce him on the other handWinnie meets.
Cairo she said that whatyou did caused Jonathan losing his jobbut now Cairo doesn’t care about thisshe said that Jonathan underestimated mebut now he will know what I really amCairo told all these things to hergreatest achievement finally Cairo saidthat neither Jonathan has a job now norhis wife will he be able to write now onthat note movie ends so friends that’sall in today’s video If you like thisvideo please hit the like button anddon’t forget to subscribe to my Channelthat I will meet you in the next videotill then peace out
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